Welcome to Netville, Tennessee

The sun is shining in Netville, Tennessee with kids playing in the streets, but not everyone likes to spend their free time soaking in vitamin D.

Susan, a bright spunky blonde 14 year old, is spending her time in the library on the public computers soaking in as much information as she possibly can. She has a fascination for technology and the world in general, but it consumes all of her free time because the computers and internet everywhere take so long to load the pages that she is looking at.On that sunny day in the library, Susan finally looked up at the clock and it was 6:00 PM and dinner was ready at 5:30 PM. She frantically snatched up her backpack and sprinted home.

Susan was late getting home for dinner, and her mom was upset with her but she knew tomorrow was a new day. The alarm starts screaming at 7:00 AM and Susan rolls over and slaps the alarm off. She gets dressed, brushes her teeth, and runs out the door for school. She sits through all of her classes waiting until she can go to the library and search the web for whatever she her mind is wanting to explore that day.

Susan starts browsing websites about beaches because in her geography class Brazil is the current topic. She finds a few fun hotels and restaurants that Americans typically stay at when they visit. She becomes more and more interested in the culture so she starts to look up the history of the country. As she was scrolling through the links she found a hyperlink that looked different from the rest. Susan decides to click on the link. She finds videos and pictures of the poverty stricken areas of Brazil. People are fighting in the streets over food and killing each other. This is not what was being taught in schools.

They started to take pictures of what they were seeing and all of a sudden the page was blocked. Susan and Ms. Kathy tried their hardest to get it back but they couldn’t. This is not what was being taught in schools. The school systems were teaching them about being a good neighbor and only showing pictures of the jungle, beautiful beaches, and people helping one another. Susan started to wonder, “Is this why people aren’t allowed to leave this country?” “How has no one seen this before?”

Susan took the pictures that she had about Bazil and took it to the next city hall meeting. The confrontation got national news coverage. Susan got the United States Goverment to privatize their internet connection

Class site.